What is a “Wellness Diet”?

A Wellness Diet reflects the wholefood principles of the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is inclusive of a high intake of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, quality essential fatty acids, and wholegrains, providing protection against several diseases. The Wellness Diet reduces dietary sources of inflammation and promotes nourishing wholefoods to mitigate deficiencies that are associated with ill health.

The Guidelines

  • Vegetables → Enjoy a minimum of three cups of fresh vegetables daily.

  • Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy → Include protein-rich foods in each meal or snack.

  • Fruits → Enjoy a minimum of two pieces or one cup of fresh fruit daily.

  • Starchy carbohydrates → Limit starchy carbohydrates to one to two small serves daily.

  • Nuts and seeds → Include a handful of nuts and seeds and up to two tablespoons of healthy oils daily.

  • Hydration → Drink a minimum of eight glasses of pure water daily.

  • Lifestyle → Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity and 30 minutes of fun and relaxation on most days.

Embrace your unique relationship with food and banish intimidation and feelings of failure. In the journey towards wellness, remember that we all have varying relationships with food, shaped by experiences, culture, and preferences. Let go of comparisons and unrealistic expectations. Instead, foster a positive and loving connection with food that nourishes your body and soul. Celebrate progress, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself. Trust mindful choices that align with your wellness goals and listen to your body.

Above all, remember this is your personal wellness journey. Embrace diversity and empower yourself with confidence and positivity. Nourish your body, mind, and spirit with choices that align with your well-being. Celebrate victories, no matter how small, and take pride in moving towards a healthier and happier you. Your wellness path is one of progress, and with every positive choice, you're closer to the best version of yourself. Keep trusting and believing – the power to embrace wellness lies within you.


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