How Deep Should I Squat?
New PR or Just a Squat with Less Depth?
So, you just set a new PR on the back squat? You hit it right on the head, right? Well, maybe. If you don't hit the right depth, you most likely didn't nail it.
We've all done it: when we want to lift more weight, we shorten the depth of our squats just a little bit. This can be dangerous, though. If you keep lying about your depth to get a higher weight, you'll become the jerk who just takes the bar down and puts it back up again.
Before you become "that guy," let's figure out how deep your squat should be and reevaluate it.
The Importance of the Deep Squat
Your glutes and hamstrings will be more actively engaged if you go to the appropriate depth, resulting in the large butt you desire. Women are attracted to men with strong buttocks. All men can agree on one thing: nice butts are a commodity. Good butts are always appreciated.
Only doing quarter squats will target the quadriceps. If you're a bodybuilder who wants to improve your VMO, this isn't a terrible plan. However, you shouldn't be quarter squatting instead of complete squatting if you don't know what a VMO is.
It's because of the following that most individuals never go deep:
Mobility Limitations
They are utterly incompetent
Too much pride and embarrassment over how much weight they can squat
Neither of these explanations holds water. If you have mobility limitations, you should take steps to remedy the situation. In case you have no idea what you're doing, keep reading. Your pride will only bring you pain. And people will gawk get use to it!
How to Squat: Check that you're doing the following to make sure you're ready to go:
Stand with your feet about the width of your shoulder apart. The feet should be slightly turned out.
As you get ready to squat, take a deep breath and tighten your core.
During the lowering part of the squat, push your hips back and drive your knees out.
Your heels should be planted firmly, and you should push off with your whole foot.
Start the "raising" part of the squat when your hips are at the same level as or below your knees.
As you start to drive out of the hole, keep your head and chest level.
From the bottom of the squat, move your hips up and forwards..
As soon as you're standing up, let out a breath.
What Depth Suits You?
The barbell has wiggle room when choosing between an ass-to-grass squat and a "un-racking and re-racking." Have someone video you from the side to determine how deep you should squat with the bar. Squat deeply with a flat back.
Since your pelvis is angled under your chest, the butt wink indicates overdoing it. Your optimal depth is right before butt wink. For instance, stooping hips or knees that are parallel to or lower than the hips. If your butt becomes winky before your hips are parallel to your knees, you need mobility work.
If you can squat deeply with the bar, you can with weight. Once you know your ideal depth, anything less is "partial" or cheating.
Your depth may change. Mobility improves depth faster.
Squatting more is a great way to increase mobility. Many people overlook movement pattern completion in favour of overly intricate stretches and soft tissue conditioning. You should stretch and focus on your soft tissues, but squatting repeatedly will enhance your squat depth.
Perform Partial Squats: Should You?
If you want to stimulate your nervous system so that you can lift more weight, build your quads, and increase your vertical leap, these are the way to go. But if you want to strengthen your thighs and buttocks in a natural way, then half squats aren't for you.